Holiday Self-care – Massage & the Holidays

Holiday Self-care – Massage & the Holidays

Holiday Self-care – Massage & the Holidays  The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but it can also be a time of stress and exhaustion. Between shopping for gifts, attending parties, travel, and hosting family gatherings, the demands of the...
Could Your Body Use A Little Gratitude?

Could Your Body Use A Little Gratitude?

Could Your Body Use A Little Gratitude? In this month of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of the miracle of these bodies we inhabit – our “temporary space suits” here on Planet Earth. Just our basic framework alone is truly extraordinary (not counting our inner...
Stress, Cortisol & Massage

Stress, Cortisol & Massage

Stress, Cortisol & Massage If you’re like most people, you probably have some stress in your life – from work issues, family issues, school, relationships, politics, environmental toxins, lack of sleep, illness, feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.  So many...
Massage, Movement & Longevity

Massage, Movement & Longevity

Massage, Movement & Longevity Some of you may be familiar with Darren Hardy. He is an American author, keynote speaker, and former publisher of Success magazine. Many folks know him as the author of the Compound Effect among other books. He  also has a regular,...