Individual Massage Services

Certified Massage Therapist

Personal Massage

Massage Therapist Santa Rosa CA

Massage Therapist – Personal Massage Services

Scott Patton is an acclaimed massage therapist in the Bay Area. With professional offices conveniently located in both San Rafael and Santa Rosa, Scott has been in private practice for nearly three decades. Drawing on his comprehensive experience, Scott develops specialized massage programs tailored to meet the needs of individual clients. Whether you’re trying to overcome injury, increase athletic performance, or simply want to feel great, massage offers a host of immediate and long-term rewards.



Massage can help treat stress-related physical conditions, including:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Pain, including muscle tension, back, shoulder and neck pain
  • Repetitive stress injuries
Soft Tissue Release
Muscle Energy
Myofascial Release
Thai Massage

Scott Patton, CMT
633 Cherry Street
Santa Rosa CA 95404
(707) 573-5818